Wednesday, June 16, 2010

When I chase a Lion

Do you ever feel like a situation is so fragile that one word, one mis-step could derail the outcome you are hoping for? Ever been hesitant to mention something out loud for fear it would "jinx" it?
In the last few years I have pursued a few things that I really wanted and each time I was not sure if I would get them. They seemed big; bigger than anything I deserved or could handle.

When I interviewed for the Store Manager position at The Container Store I was so nervous. I felt like every second of every day was an interview. I could barely concentrate because I was so worried about not getting the job. Then a few years later when I applied for job at Family Christian Stores I felt the same way. I knew God already knew the outcome but I insisted on being anxious and distracted and worried. So, now I find myself in the same situation again. I am interviewing for a position at my church. A position that seems to be the perfect match for me. Again I know God knows the outcome, but again I have this feeling like it all hinges on one encounter, like one thing could derail something God has been working on since before time began. Whether I get the position or not, God will be honored and I will be serving where God wants me to be serving in the capacity that he wants me to be serving in. My heart and my spirit know this but my mind has a way of reverting back to irrational fears. I trust God, and I trust the people making the decision. His will be done.

In the book "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day" Mark Batterson challenges you to live a life of courage. To chase lions, that is, go after that thing that you would normally run from. Confront the things you are afraid of with confidence that Christ not only knows the outcome, but He created the experience just for you because he knows what you need to go through to get to where He needs you to be. It is an excellent read and it has caused me to reflect on the times when I chased a lion- the fear I felt and the joy that came with the victory. I am also reminded of the times that I chose to play it safe and the remorse and thoughts of "what could have been" that come with what often seems like to responsible choice. In both cases I rejoice that I serve a God of second chances! Going forward it is my desire to always chase the lion and see how God brings the victory.

By the way, up to this point I have never interviewed for a position and not gotten it. God has directed my footsteps and so far I seem to have been at the right place at the right time, even if i felt like that might not be the case.

**Update- I did get the job. It is a perfect fit for our family right now. I am the Worship Leader for Celebrate Recovery at The Church on Rush Creek and I absolutely LOVE IT! :-)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

FREE copy of Forgotten God!!!!

OK guys, if you have not read this book this is the time to get it! Last month I shared how The Hole in Our Gospel forever changed my view of God's love for everyone created in His image and my responsibility to share the WHOLE Gospel- I hope you took advantage of the FREE download from Christian Audio!

I was so excited to see that this month's FREE download from is Francis Chan's latest; Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit. When I told people about this book as I was reading it, the phrase "this book is rocking my world" was the best I could do and that did not do it justice. It has forever changed my view of the Holy Spirit's work and influence in my life- and as a result has changed my prayer life, my decision making and the way I view my role on this planet. That is all I will say for now. Please take three minutes of your day and download this book. Then take 1 to 20 minutes(depending on your age) to transfer it to your preferred mp3 playing device. Then take however long it takes to listen to it...You will be so glad you did! :-)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HURRY!! FREE copy of The Hole in Our Gospel

It was no surprise to me when it was announced that The Hole in Our Gospel has won the 2010 Christian Book of the Year award by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. You cannot read this book and not be changed.

As I read this book, every moment that I was alone with my thoughts(driving, rocking my daughter to sleep, praying etc...) all I could think of is how much I have and how little other people have- and how Jesus feels about that! I will read this book once a year for the rest of my life. If you have not read it yet, you can get it HERE for FREE through the month of May as an audio book at  If you prefer to have an actual copy of the book, you can get at a great price at by clicking on the link or get it at your local bookstore. However you get it, please get it soon and make it a priority to read!

**I am re-posting this because the month is almost over and I don't want you to miss your chance for the FREE download!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Worship Mass Index(WMI)

What is your Worship Mass Index? What percentage of your week is our God, the Creator and Savior, worshipped. The answer to this question in your WMI.

To figure this out, we need to define worship. Simple right? Not Quite. Do a google search for the definition of worship and you will see many definitions of worship, including this from an online dictionary:

a. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.

b. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.
Whether they would admit it or not, a large percentage of church goers define worship as the time they spend in prayer, reading the Bible and singing/listening to someone preach. If that is your definition of worship than your WMI looks something like this:
For the sake of easy math we will assume you sleep eight hours a night. That means you have 16 "awake" hours each day. By the definition above, if you have a 1 hour quiet time each day and spend 1 hour in church you spend 8 hours of your week worshipping:
        16x7= 112 "awake" hours each week
               8/112= 7.1% of your life is spent worshipping the Almighty, All Powerful God.
Omit the daily quiet time and only worship at church...that number becomes 1/112= 0.8%

Obviously the definition we are interested in for the sake of this blog is found in the Bible. The answer found all throughout scripture is simple; obedience. In John Chapter 4 Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that true worshipers will worship in "spirit and in truth", rather than in a specific place(read The Message translation of this verse, excellent). In Romans 12:1 Paul says "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God— this is your spiritual act of worship." Everything we do, every word we say, every thought we think is either an act of worship or it isn't. We are either living in obedience to Him or we are not.

In his book "Called to Worship", Vernon Whaley puts it this way:
"...showing the Lord our sincere love by obeying Him and mimicking Him on our planet: loving as He loved, serving as He served, and reaching out to a dying world as He reached out to those made in His likeness. That, friends, is worship" 
I believe that is as good a definition as any. Love as He loved. So, with that in mind-

What is your WMI? It should be 100%...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It Is Better To Obey Than To Sacrifice

"Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams." 1 Samuel 15:22

Worship is the heart of the Church. God desires and commands the adoration and praises of His people. We all know that "Worship is more than singing" and "we Worship with our lifestyle." There is no doubt that the staff and people that serve in the church believe that, but how deep into the body does that go? How many members of the church live and give as though sacrifice and offering will cover for a life lived in disobedience?

Saul did, more than once.
1. In 1 Samuel 13, he waited for Samuel to give the burnt offering as the Lord commanded, but Saul grew impatient when he didn't show at the appointed time and performed the offerings himself. He wanted to go into battle with the Lord's blessing so he acted. Saul was not an ordained priest (the only person allowed to make such a sacrifice) so in trying to seek God's approval, he totally disregarded His sacrificial laws.

2. Remember when Samuel anointed Saul and told him that God was going to use him to punish the Amalekites for what they had done to Isreal? (1 Samuel 15) God's direction was to kill everyone and everything. Saul killed almost everyone(he spared the king) and almost everything(he spared the finest sheep and cattle to sacrifice to God) and in doing so proved that almost obeying is not even close to the Lord's standards. God is more than angry, he is "grieved that I have made Saul king... because he did not carry out my instructions" (15:11) OUCH... Ever felt like you let someone down? Not even close to what Saul was feeling that day!

So how does this translate into our worship today?  Here is an excerpt from the book that inspired this post. The book is "Called to Worship" by Vernon M. Whaley. He writes:

"Yet people try constantly, 'Oh, I'm a Christian,' they say. Every weekend, they're in God's house, singing enthusiastically along with the worship leader, perhaps even raising their hands, or shouting hallelujah. Like Saul, they are making a show of worship. But then these same "worshippers" go home and worship at the feet of Internet pornography or sex-filled romance novels. Their TV viewing is uncensored; the movies they watch, abhorrent. Their speech is laced with profanity-and gossip. Alcohol hides in their cupboards; lust and envy lurk in their hearts. They are worshippers all right, but of whom? Themselves. They're certainly not worshipping God, because they are endeavoring to worship above the law, and that's idolatry."
At the end of this chapter I wrote some notes as I processed this verse- "It is better to obey than to sacrifice." Here are a few:
  • Sometimes we worship with good intentions but it is outside of God's will because of the way we live our lives.
  • People may be giving their money, time and God given talents, but if they are not obeying God's commands in their lifestyle God is not honored in their worship.
As Worship Pastors we must make it abundantly clear that obedience to God's word in every aspect of life is the first act of worship. Romans 12:1 says to "offer our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is our spiritual act of worship." (emphasis added) Without it the singing, the serving and the giving are a show.

So I end with a Question that is not a rhetorical one. I think it would be great to hear how other Worship Pastors are shepherding the flock beyond the songs. What are you doing to help create a culture of obedience to God before sacrifice and offering to Him in worship?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sounds Absurd, Doesn't it?

     A well known pastor was caught in crossfire yesterday as he was making his way to a homeless shelter to serve lunch. He had served lunch there every Tuesday for three years and had encouraged his family, his staff and his congregation to join him to no avail. On this particular day he had been distracted by thoughts he had eluded for a long time. Long enough in fact, that he was sure he had conquered them for good; but here they were...

His injuries were severe. When the ambulance arrived he was conscious but was losing blood at an alarming rate. When asked what hospital he wanted to be taken to he acted as if he didn't even hear the question. With wide eyes he demanded to know if he was going to make it.

"If we get you to the hospital within five minutes you may live. If it takes even 5 minutes more you will die for sure."

"I might die even if we get there in five?"

"Yes, you are losing a lot of blood."

The pastor laid his head back, closed his eyes tightly and was overcome with fear, regret and anxiety... "It shouldn't be this way" he thought. "I should have been ready!"

Then, with urgency in his voice, he demanded that the EMT take him by his office at the church. "Absolutely not, you are dying and we need to get you to the hospital."

"I need you to take me to the Church" he insisted. "I have to erase some things off of my computer!!And then by my house. Please, you must understand!"

"That is absurd; we are taking you to the hospital."

The pastor began to sob. He had lived in fear that someone would find out and he would have to reveal to the world that he couldn't do it on his own. Now, if he died they would know for sure and there was nothing he could do about it. He decided if he lived he would tell someone. But who? He would be subject to strict accountability and could lose his job, his prestige and even his family. He decided at that moment that he would rather die.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

JJ Heller

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What is Faith?

I have been thinking about faith lately and want to share my thoughts. I would love to hear your thoughts as well!

I have often prayed for more faith, asked for God to grow my faith etc.. But what is faith? How do we attain it? Can it be measured, that is, is it something that can grow and diminish or is faith just... faith. 

Does witnessing a miracle increase faith? 
Perhaps the most famous verse on faith is this:
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Heb 11:1 (NIV)
But what does that mean really? It certainly does not explain how we "get" faith. When I read that I believe that witnessing something awesome will not produce faith.
Consider this verse in Luke:
He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead. Luke 16:31 (NIV)

So, how do we attain faith and be seen as faithful in the Father's eyes. Here is the answer:Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17 (NIV)

It is so simple and yet so often we try to make it much, much harder. You want faith? Read the Bible. Listen to the message as often as you have an opportunity. Have conversations that are laced with scripture. Surround yourself with the written word of God. Listen to music that is inspired by scripture. And most importantly; spend time with God each day.

Moses, Jacob, Abraham, Isaac, David and countless others in the scriptures- made time with God a priority. Most of them had a specific place that they "met with God" and because they were faithful to listen for His voice, to get to know Him, he called them friend. Read Hebrews chapter 11 for examples of lives that were lived for things hoped for, risks taken with nothing but God's promise(His word) to them.

So, I think faith doesn't grow or diminish-I believe faith is either there or it isn't. Hearing God and moving into the unknown with certainty- trusting with all that we are that God knows better than we do in every situation is evidence of faith; living life by faith means we are hearing and acting on God's word each day, in everything.

Click Here for a list of scriptures on faith- notice the connection, in most cases, between faith and action... Faith comes from hearing the word, and our action(or failure to act) is the measure of our faith- 0 or 100%, not 0 to 100%.

Friday, February 26, 2010


About two months after Amelia was born, I wrote this song to try and capture the love that I felt for this tiny baby girl who had come into our world and changed everything. I know what you are thinking, I get nervous too when someone post a video of a song they wrote. I think parents will appreciate it and the chances are pretty good that U2 will hear it and put it on their next cd. I heard Bono reads my blog on a regular basis.

For our friend, Julie

''This morning Julie sees Jesus face to face. Although heavy-hearted, we gratefully acknowledge that by the grace and goodness of God she is healed, whole and worshipping her Savior! Please see the note posted at 1 Thess 5:11. We will update soon with details about Julie's celebration service.''

Julie Mangrem is a beautiful soul. She left a legacy for her family, and I think most importantly for her daughter, Addi, here on earth. Julie was Mark's helpmate in life and ministry and words cannot express my gratitude to our Father for the impact they have had in mine and Shannon's lives. Specifically for us it was during our college years(a very critical time spiritually for everyone) that we were the closest. We worshipped, laughed and cried with Mark and Julie as they opened their home and hearts to us. Shannon often finds encouragement and power in notes and memories from the girls Bible study Julie lead. Julie's work with the young women in her life is something that will have an impact for generations to come. 

She was bold, compassionate, witty and her infectious smile always made me feel like she knew something I didn't! She is a passionate worshipper. We will miss her for now, but rejoice with her soon. Below is the song that inspired the Unshakable God blog, and it is a reminder that though we are shaken, we serve an Eternal, Unshakable God.

Our world is fallen, sin has hidden
the Love we're meant to know
My heart was broken, lost and lonely,
afraid of the unknown
Until i cried out, i cried out to You

Unshakable God, when everything is gone
You are the One who remains
Unshakable God, when everything is gone
You are the One who remains
Steadfast, Holy, Mighty
Mighty to save!

You took the shame, You took the pain
You bore our sin that day
And Jesus, Light of my salvation
You take the fear away
When i cry out, i cry out to you

Unshakable God, when everything is gone
You are the One who remains
Unshakable God, when everything is gone
You are the One who remains
Steadfast, Holy, Mighty
Mighty to save!

Already, the comments on the facebook page set up as a way for friends and family to stay connected with the Mangrems and pray with them on the this journey is filled with wonderful words of praise that are directed at Julie and clearly reflect our Savior, Jesus Christ. Read them here and check back often. There will be many, many more.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Worst Type of Christian

Believe me, I understand the weight that a statement like this carries. I understand that it is not my place to define The Worst Type of Christian. I came across a blog while searching for Louie Giglio's talk on Laminin some time ago and was reminded of it last night as my brother and I discussed Holiness, The Gospel and what we perceive to be a lack of concern, effort or understanding of Christ's expectation of us in the American Church.

Since we have these promises(6:14-18) dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates the body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. - 2 Corinthians 7:1

Is this calling(and countless others throughout scripture) to live lives that are noticeably different from those of non-Christians reserved for pastors alone? Church Leadership? What contaminates the body and spirit? Where is the line? Is there a list? Who sets the bar? If you think these questions are out of line, or choose to ignore them because something y0u enjoy doing might be on "the list", let me encourage you to read on with an open mind and spirit.

The wife and I had a great time at the concert last night. We saw Chris
Tomlin and Matt Redman, two popular Christian singers along with Louie Giglio who gave a short sermon midway through the concert.The Concert was unbelievable and lasted over 3 hours. After a life in which I have seen everyone from Bruce Springsteen to Elton John to Def Lepard in concert, this was
my first ever Christian concert. It was probably the best concert I have ever
seen in person.The speaker, Louie Giglio, was also mind-blowing. His talk
centered on our place in the universe and just how small we are in the grand
scheme of things.

I am a Christian but the worst type. I don't go to church nearly enough, I barely read my Bible, I pray only when I need something and I do not go out of my way to tell anyone about my Christian beliefs.

He goes on to share that he was blown away by Louie Giglio's explanation of Laminin. The bold line stood out to me because unfortunately, it sounded familiar. How many days of our life are we anything but what he describes as 'the worst kind of Christian?' There is no mention of movie ratings, alcohol, language, sex, idols or the many addictions and afflictions that typically make "the list". How does he describe himself, the worst type of Christian? Allow me to translate:

He lacks fellowship with other believers, he neglects God's Holy Word and in the last line he confesses the sins of prayerlessness and indifference.

WOW! This week, I will unpack each of those on this blog. I hope you will come back and join in the discussion!