Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Worship Mass Index(WMI)

What is your Worship Mass Index? What percentage of your week is our God, the Creator and Savior, worshipped. The answer to this question in your WMI.

To figure this out, we need to define worship. Simple right? Not Quite. Do a google search for the definition of worship and you will see many definitions of worship, including this from an online dictionary:

a. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.

b. The ceremonies, prayers, or other religious forms by which this love is expressed.
Whether they would admit it or not, a large percentage of church goers define worship as the time they spend in prayer, reading the Bible and singing/listening to someone preach. If that is your definition of worship than your WMI looks something like this:
For the sake of easy math we will assume you sleep eight hours a night. That means you have 16 "awake" hours each day. By the definition above, if you have a 1 hour quiet time each day and spend 1 hour in church you spend 8 hours of your week worshipping:
        16x7= 112 "awake" hours each week
               8/112= 7.1% of your life is spent worshipping the Almighty, All Powerful God.
Omit the daily quiet time and only worship at church...that number becomes 1/112= 0.8%

Obviously the definition we are interested in for the sake of this blog is found in the Bible. The answer found all throughout scripture is simple; obedience. In John Chapter 4 Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that true worshipers will worship in "spirit and in truth", rather than in a specific place(read The Message translation of this verse, excellent). In Romans 12:1 Paul says "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God— this is your spiritual act of worship." Everything we do, every word we say, every thought we think is either an act of worship or it isn't. We are either living in obedience to Him or we are not.

In his book "Called to Worship", Vernon Whaley puts it this way:
"...showing the Lord our sincere love by obeying Him and mimicking Him on our planet: loving as He loved, serving as He served, and reaching out to a dying world as He reached out to those made in His likeness. That, friends, is worship" 
I believe that is as good a definition as any. Love as He loved. So, with that in mind-

What is your WMI? It should be 100%...