Wednesday, May 26, 2010

HURRY!! FREE copy of The Hole in Our Gospel

It was no surprise to me when it was announced that The Hole in Our Gospel has won the 2010 Christian Book of the Year award by the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association. You cannot read this book and not be changed.

As I read this book, every moment that I was alone with my thoughts(driving, rocking my daughter to sleep, praying etc...) all I could think of is how much I have and how little other people have- and how Jesus feels about that! I will read this book once a year for the rest of my life. If you have not read it yet, you can get it HERE for FREE through the month of May as an audio book at  If you prefer to have an actual copy of the book, you can get at a great price at by clicking on the link or get it at your local bookstore. However you get it, please get it soon and make it a priority to read!

**I am re-posting this because the month is almost over and I don't want you to miss your chance for the FREE download!!